Efficient and Affordable Material Testing

Trusted by Industry Leaders

First of all

Innovative Material Solutions

We provide innovative material solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts will work with you to design and test materials that meet your requirements.

silver diamond studded ring in white flower
silver diamond studded ring in white flower
Not to mention

Efficient Material Testing

Our team of material experts provide consultation on designing polymer composition to achieve desired set of properties. We offer complete polymer or material testing solutions.

a robot that is sitting on a table
a robot that is sitting on a table
And let's not forget

Global Acceptance Guaranteed

We are committed to delivering results that are globally acceptable. Our testing solutions are trusted by industry leaders to ensure compliance with international standards.

photo of outer space
photo of outer space

About MatterX Compliance

MatterX Compliance is assembled with the vision of making material testing economical, quick,
efficient, and globally acceptable. MatterX Compliance is a group of material experts that has pledged to solve problems associated with material development and testing. We provide consultation on designing polymer composition to achieve desired set of properties and complete polymer testing solution.
We promise to provide economical material (Polymer, nanoparticles, and metals) testing with
minimum lead time. The testing will be performed as per the desired standards. Moreover, for
special test requirements, our experts will help designing the test parameters as per the
application requirements.
We offer Reverse Engineering Service where material composition will be identified and roles of
each component in designing CTQs for the application will be highlighted. This will be
performed by the team of subject-matter experts from the material engineering field who are
having Ph.D. in particular field and global work exposure.
We also provide assistance in designing and executing the project work for faculties, master and
Ph.D. students. It involves designing a project plan as per problem statement, testing and final
project report.

Efficient Material Solutions, Globally Accepted

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